Monday, June 27, 2011

Days 12 and 13 of 180

Day 12
I wasn't going to homeschool today since yesterday it was a struggle and I thought they may need a break. Yet, when the arguing started then I knew they needed something to do so I pulled out some worksheets. They both worked on reading comprehension. spelling, syllables snd math. Then I let them watch the March of Penguins again, since we are headed to the library tomorrow and need to return it. It's a good documentary about the life of the Emperor Peguin; very sad at times.
We also started learning a song for the fourth of July. I'll post a blog on our upcoming holiday activities next. We also decided today was a good day to make our Milk Carton bird feeders. They were very simple to make and I think we have plans to hang feeders ALL over our yard now. WATCH OUT EMPTY MILK JUGS!

Day 13
Today, We spiced it up! It was obvious, even though I've tried to keep it interesting, that the girls were getting bored. Soooo Today is free planetarium day at the Shiele Museum in Gastonia, NC. I have been doing some research on the Schiele and found that they have a family membership for $75 per year. They change around their exhibits about every 3 months. If we went only when they have exhibit changes then that would still be four trips and WAY worth our money. Let me just mention though, they have it GOING ON! I picked up a pamphlet while I was there and there are tons of events scheduled at the museum. Notjust any events either, I'm talking stuff the girls WILL LOVE. They have a biologist coming to show up close different types of bats. They LOVE bats! OK, yes I'm excited and this will help break up any boredom the girls feel like they are being subjected 
The museum trip was fun we stayed around 2.5 hours. They watched a planetarium show on the 9 planets, we looked at an Indian exhibit, a cave exhibit and lots and lots of different animals! We were definately not done at 5 but it was closing so we had to leave. Riley picked out a beautiful ametheyst rock for her gift shop item and Lilly got a bow and Arrow.

She now wants to be an Indian when she grows up. I looked up the Cherokee Indian festival in Cherokee, NC on august 26th and 27th this year. Definately going!

We will be taking the weekend off since the girls have learned so much, but next week we will be focusing on American history centered around Independence day (Social Studies), Birds (Science), reading , Rounding in (Math), (Writing)- Lilly, cursive/ Riley Complete sentences with proper capitalization and punctuation. Tuesday there is a movie at the library and Saturday an event in Cowpens for the 4th of July! It should be a fun week!

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