Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 10 and 11 of 180

Day 10
Well today was a bit different. The girls and I helped watch a good friends little girl who is 5 months old. So between Brody at 8 months and Katie, we had to be creative to get out schooling in. While waiting to pick up Katie the girls and I read out of the National Geographic 2011 Almanac. Pretty interesting stuff! Then when we got home, between baby time, we did quite a few worksheet and self driven work. Both girls did a variety of reading comprehension and math sheets, about 5 apiece. Lilly got the bright idea of doing an experiment with a crayon. She wanted to see how long it would take to melt. So we marked the time we put the crayon outside then check the progress in 15 minute intervals. Conclusion: It takes an hour. We did not go to the extreme of calculating the temperature or attempt other factors- maybe a later date.

Finally the girls worked with their spelling words by cutting the various letters to spell the word and pasting.

Day 11

First thing this morning we finished up the spelling word project and then took a break and watched Species Hunter.

The girls seem to be dragging today, so I really had to stay on top of them.
After some food I had them start their math worksheets. Then Riley had to work with reading and reading comprehension and writing and Lilly worked with syllables, reading comprehension and cursive writing. They ended the day by making necklaces!

  This does not seem like much but it was about 5 pages front and back per child plus the other activities. Added to the fact that they are dragging made for a loooonng day. I think we may have a day off tomorrow :)

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