Thursday, July 28, 2011

Days 20-29 of 180- Playing catch up!

Day 20

We got started around 9 this morning- I had my new planner so I was all gung-ho about being organized.  Math was first and from 9-9:45b both girls worked on counting money/ Then came reading comprehension and from 9:45-10:30 Lilly worked on Antonyms and Riley worked on naming words and word meanings. From 10:45- 11:15 we read and studied the American Revolution. Next came writing and the girls followed up their American revolution studies by writing "There were 13 colonies in 1776 and "Women wore 13 curls in support for patriots" After lunch we went to the computer for a bit of science from 1-1:30. There was a fun science site where we learned about Gross things in science like Poo, Pee and ear

  Math Riley worked on counting by tens and ones and Lilly worked on counting money. Then both girls worked on reading aloud.

 Day 21

Math- Riley worked on shading and recognizing tens and ones and reading and writing number words. Lilly worked on Rounding and adding and subtraction. Both girls wanted to work on cursive writing for their writing assignments. Which proved to be somewhat frustrating for Riley but I admire her for trying. Social Studies we read about women heroines from the American Revolution and Science we read about Ocean animals from National Geographic Almanac

Day 22


From 9-10 the girls and I worked on telling time. They grasped the basic concepts but seemed really confused with the idea of adding time like 30 minutes. etc. At 11 we read about Annie Oakley for Social Studies then we wrote facts about her for our writing " Annie Oakley is little sure shot" and they practiced some more of their cursive writing.

Day 23

The girls read out loud from Annie Oakley and then we worked more on telling time. They also worked on rounding some more as well as reading comprehension.

Day 24

In Math Lilly worked on measurement using Inches and CM and Riley worked on Word Problems which involves her reading practice as well. Then both girls read aloud and worked with reading comprehension.

Day 25

For Social studies we talked about folklore and read a poem and brief exerpt from the life of john Chapman or Johnny Appleseed.  Lilly read aloud "twas the night before Thanksgiving and Riley read Bears Big Blue House. For writing the Girls Wrote that apples are fruit and John Chapman is Johnny Appleseed.  While discussing the life of Johnny Appleseed we followed the map of the US and tracked the areas he traveled.

Day 26

Today we read about Australia and the different animals that reside there. For writing the girls wrote "Marsupials have pouches. For Math we did a refresh on two digit regrouping and Riley worked on her tens and ones. Both girls read aloud and worked on Reading comprehension worksheets.

Day 27

Today we read more in our book of Heroines of the American Revolution then went back to working on telling time. We played a game that practiced on telling time via digital and regular clock. Lilly worked on cursive writing and Riley regular print "In the Beginning God created the heavens and the Earth". Both girls read aloud and worked on their language arts.

Day 28

We stopped by the Library over the weekend so for history today we read from a folklore book which gave a non-fiction view on the life of Johnny Chapman and then studied the cycles of an Apple Tree throughout the year from a book called "An Apple Tree Through the Year" by claudia Schnieper. For Writing the girls wrote "johnny chapman was born in 1775 and died in 1845." and "Apples become ripe in the fall' We watching natures most amazing disasters from National geographic then went to vacation bible school from 5:30-8 pm

Day 29

7/27/11- 7/28/11
We started the day with a trip to the playground and intended to come home and do HS but the day had other plans for us. Yet, we did go to vacation bible school and learn songs and bible verses. 7/28- we started by playing yard-sale and the girls and I took turns buying stuff from each other and counting the money and coins out to make different types of change. Then we pulled out our letters and practiced spelling words Penguin, funny pickle and One. They took a short break while I am catching up this blog and making lunch. After lunch the girls did their reading comprehension. Lillian focused on classifing different types of trees and groups of things and Riley did a word search with number words. Then we re-read "An Appletree Throughout the year" by Claudia Schneiper. Then the girls went swimming and as I made supper they wrote; "Ladybugs can eat 50 aphids per day and " An orchard is a group of fruit trees".  We finished the day with our Bible lesson about changing seasons.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

180 days of Home School 2011-2012: Days 17-19 of 180

180 days of Home School 2011-2012: Days 17-19 of 180: "Day 17 7/2/11 Today we planned a field trip to visit the Cowpens, SC battlefield. This was the first time to visit for all of us, which i..."

Days 17-19 of 180

Day 17

Today we planned a field trip to visit the Cowpens, SC battlefield. This was the first time to visit for all of us, which is a shame since it is not far from our house. There was a whole days worth of events from colonial dress up, to a demonstration of the different guns and a shooting demonstration. There was talk of the reason for the Cowpens battlefield, which was the American Revolution. This is all wonderful since we are also celebrating the fourth of July which was brought about because of the American Revolution! Before we left for the days festivities the girls completed their reading comprehension, writing practice and rounding review. I was relieved they were able to fit this in since we got back waaaay past their bedtime! They also managed to squeeze in a movie from IMAX called Oceans. It was narrated by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet. Very captivating!

Day 18

Today we also took a small time in the morning to practice rounding, reading, and writing. Then we were off to the Scheile museum for their 4th of July activities. They were offering free science experiments for kids! They had several experiments with mixing dofferent items to show acids and bases and also mixing ingredients to make FLUBBER!! Love it! Then we were off to look at the cave exhibits, the native american, and all the animals of various spots in the world! LOVE the schiel museum. All these field trips and the girls wont know how to act tomorrow when we have a regular school when we got home we have a brief instance of storms. I used this time to turn off the TV and read to the girls more about the American Revolution out of a book we picked up at Cowpens battlefield called "If You lived at the time of the American Revolution" by Kay Moore.

Day 19


Today was our cleaning day so we got started with school around 11:30. We have these bags of letters the girls have been eager to play with so I asked them if they wanted to play a spelling game, AND THEY DID!! YAY  So I put up a barrier between them and had them to use the letters to spell various words! After lunch we practiced reading. Riley read me "My Home" by Joy Cowley and "pop up Sea" by Patrick Watson